Check Out the Top 3 Fiestas in Alicante

Credit: Flickr / Ralf Steinberger / CC BY 2.0
The Spanish culture in Alicante is always known to be colourful and fun, even to the visitor. Whenever there is an excuse to dress up, drink, party and eat good food, the Spanish are always onboard. You can get to know the culture and the people as they all come together to celebrate the festivals. Take a look at the top 3 Fiestas in Alicante to see which you would like to take part in, during your trip.
Running with the Bulls
The combination of Spain and bulls go hand in hand, with the prestigious Bous a la Mar event in the Alicante region. The week-long celebration of running with the bulls begins roughly in July. Visiting this event, you will get to see spectators cheering the young and old who are brave and quick enough the run in the bullring beside these famous beasts.
Carnival Celebration

Credit: Flickr / Studios / CC BY 2.0
It should come as no surprise that Spaniards love a good carnival. Starting off the sacred period of Lent, the carnival marks as a celebration providing fun and festivities to the outdoors of Alicante. You can get to see thousands of people joining in, dancing and marching with the parade.
Burial of Sardine

Credit: Flickr / The Whisperer of the Shadows / CC BY-ND 2.0
The Spanish people do love to add some humor to their long list of festivities. The burial of the sardine initially started out as a symbolic burial of the past on Ash Wednesday and with the need to get rid of wood at the end of winter. This festivity adds a humorous touch to an otherwise very meaningful occasion.
Grab your chance to check out the festivals by booking your flight to Alicante today!
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